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Columbus Home and Garden Show

FEB. 16 – 24, 2019

Home and garden show design

The 2019 Columbus Home and Garden Show is right around the corner and we are excited to share our latest garden show creation with you. Designed by the legendary landscape architect Steven Maravich and handcrafted by our very talented crews lead by Andrew, Blake and Cory Hedge.

We hope the garden show will help inspire you to think of new ways to envision your very own landscape. The display gardens are always fun to create and give attendees a chance to experience something unique that they have may not seen before.

Warning – Not everything at the garden show is to be taken literally ….. Upside down Norway spruces dangling from rafters is fun to see but may not be the most practical for every landscape.

Steve has hand selected the plant material for the garden display and has come up with new ways to show them off. While you are at the garden show feel free to ask Steve any of your burning horticultural questions. Odds are he will have the answer or will be able to point you in the right direction. “How will I know which person is Steve?” you ask ….. He will be the guy in slacks a sports jacket and have a name tag that says Steve Maravich. Most likely he will be semi exhausted from answering the same question 1,973,000 times “Can Norway spruces really grow like that?”. He will not be the person in sweat pants, wandering around with a red RiteRug bag full of randomness in their right hand and a free three meter measuring stick in his left.

We look forward to this event each year and we meet some great clients to work with along the way. If you are in the process of creating a new garden or outdoor living space this is a great time to get to know the landscape companies and architects available to you. If you are looking to create a unique landscape that takes into consideration all aspects of your property, while being as environmentally friendly as possible, just talk to Steve.

Pro Tip – Eat before you come to the Columbus home and garden show. The food quality is two steps down from government surplus food and in comparison makes the nearby McDonalds feel like Michaels Bistro.

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